First Baptist Church Woodstock
Woodstock, Georgia, United States
Date Posted: 03/17/2025
Categories: Church/Ministry
Job Type: Full-Time
Employee Workplace: On-site
Job Description:

First Baptist Church Woodstock

Job Description



Position:                                 ELEMENTARY DIRECTOR/PASTOR


Staff Classification:                Director Level


Direct Supervisor:                  Family / Discipleship Pastor


Department:                           Discipleship Team


Position Summary:


The Elementary Director/Pastor develops, promotes and implements a comprehensive program of Christian education, activities, and outreach centered upon fulfilling the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. This position is full-time.




  1. Cooperate with and follow the leadership of our Pastor and the Direct Supervisor.
  2. Participate in all church-wide programs, activities, and events, encouraging those in your circle of influence to join you.
  3. Stay on the cutting edge of this ministry by attending training and growth opportunities.
  4. Determine objectives and goals for the ministry and initiate strategies to fulfill them.
  5. Supervise the planning, coordinating, completing, and evaluation of the ministry’s programs, events and activities.
    1. Develop and implement an annual ministry calendar.
    2. Enlist, equip, and evaluate all workers needed.
    3. Regularly conduct planning meetings with workers to plan and pray for the ministry.
    4. Select all needed materials, curriculum plans, and resources.
    5. Make recommendations as to the use and development of the facilities.
  6. Develop and implement a strategy to reach children and their parents for salvation, discipleship, and assimilation.
  7. Supervise all staff personnel employed in this ministry.
  8. Prepare and administrate an annual budget for this ministry.
  9. Lead and engage others in missions locally, nationally, and in the world.
  10. Enlist and train staff and volunteers to connect students and families on a weekly basis.
  11. Minister to members and prospective members during times of hospitalization and bereavement.


Personal Responsibilities:


  • Maintain God ordained priorities in life by putting Jesus Christ first, family second and ministry third.
  • Tithe off your personal income to the vision of First Baptist Woodstock
  • Be loyal to the vision and staff of First Baptist Woodstock and always protect the unity of the church.
  • Invest and invite the lost to know Jesus and come to First Baptist Woodstock


Skills Requirements: 


? Reasoning ability                             ? Attention to detail              ?Empathy for ministry partners


?Administration                                 ? Service to others                ? Teacher/Leader


?Good Communication skills               ? Team builder                     ? Self-disciplined


?Servant leader                                  ? Decision maker                  ? Strong work ethic


?Other:  Heart to shepherd the congregation


Education and/or Experience:


?College graduate preferred                ?Administrative Experience          ?Personnel Management


?Church Staff experience                     ?Other:  Experience in a kid’s ministry of 300 or more

About First Baptist Church Woodstock
