First UMC Shreveport

Shreveport, Louisiana -

Phone: 318-424-7771
First UMC Shreveport is a thriving downtown church serving a large region. We are a cross generational church with an average attendance of 1,100 comprised of two traditional services and one contemporary service. Our Sunday School averages 650. Our Vision 2022 is driving our church to grow in several ways: 1) Discipleship Development, 2) Local and Global Missions (we have full-time staff for each of these areas), 3) Leadership Development, 4) Community Groups, and 5) Communications. Strategic plans have been developed for these areas which are shaping the life of the whole church. In the last 10 years we have built three new buildings for the Children's Ministry, Offices & Sunday Schools, and Contemporary Worship & Arts. First UMC Shreveport is a debt free church with a vision toward expanding ministry within our walls, beyond our walls, and around the world. Presently we put nearly half a million into local and global missions with an emphasis on partnering with effecting leaders and organizations. Our goal is to bring people to Jesus Christ and equip them for biblical living at home, at work and in the community.